Educational Master Planning Committee

Educational Master Planning Committee


The Committee shall be responsible for creating a five-year comprehensive educational master plan and maintain the five-year educational master plan through yearly updates. The five-year plan and yearly updates will be used to identify items that have been completed, that are on-going, and that have not yet been addressed as well as add new goals and strategies annually to meet emerging needs.


  • Analyze data provided by the institutional effectiveness office on course and program enrollment trends over time
  • Analyze data provided by the institutional effectiveness office concerning trends in student enrollment related to gender, ethnicity, age, ability, economic status, and other demographic changes over time.
  • Analyze data trends provided by the institutional effectiveness office concerning student program enrollments, class time preferences (day, evening, on-line, correspondence, hybrid), and other changes in enrollment patterns
  • Utilize the analysis derived above to facilitate the improvement of student access, success, and equity in the schedule of classes.
  • Utilize the analysis derived above to facilitate productivity improvement.
  • Review and incorporate recommendations from instructional program reviews and non-instructional program reviews into academic planning.
  • Integrate academic planning with student services and budget planning to ensure successful implementation of the goals and strategies.
  • Commitment to data informed decisions to ensure inclusiveness and equity when creating and implementing the long range academic plan.

Committee Structure:

  • 4 Administrators (Chief Instructional Officer, Chief Student Services Officer), Deans of Instructional Services (2)
  • 5 full-time faculty (Accreditation Chair, 2 division chairs, lead counselor, Academic Senate president, 1 faculty representative from the Curriculum/Academic Standards Committee)
  • 2 management/confidential appointed by the group including an individual representing Institutional Effectiveness
  • 2 classified representative involved with instructional or student services; appointed by CSEA
  • 1 student representative. ASB will have the first opportunity to select a representative, but if not available, faculty or staff may recommend a student representative to the chair(s) for approval.

As of Decmber 2018 Academic Planning Committe Minutes can be found in BoardDocs.

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