Facilities Planning Committee

Facilities Planning Committee


  • Submit the Facilities Master Plan to the Consultation/Council/Strategic Planning Committee
  • Review and comment on Safety Committee and Emergency Task Force recommendations and proposed solutions
  • Review and comment on various mandated reporting documents (i.e. 5 year Capital Outlay plan, scheduled Maintenance, recycling/energy and water programs etc.)
  • Recommend construction and modification of District facilities, assets, and properties
  • Recommend sequencing and priority of large district renovation and construction project
  • Assist drafting of policies and procedures related to managing the physical plant
  • Develop, review and adjust facilities planning documents, including Long Range Facilities Master Plan.
  • Our commitment is to strive towards accessibility to eliminate barriers to equity and that we act deliberately to create a safe and inclusive environment

Committee Structure:

  • 2 administrators (Director of Institutional Effectiveness or designee and Chief Business Officer or designee)
  • 2 confidential/management representatives appointed by the management group
  • 2 faculty appointed by the Academic Senate
  • 2 classified representatives appointed by CSEA (The FMP Committee recommends that one classified representative be from maintenance and one from the DSPS department)
  • 1 student representative appointed by ASB
  • Chair:
    Elected by the committee at the first meeting in the fall semester.

As of October 2019 Facilities Planning Committee minutes are available through BoardDocs.

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