General Education Student Learning Outcomes

GESLO 1: Understand and apply methods of inquiry for a variety of disciplines including the scientific method for scientific inquiry and appropriate methods for social and behavior science inquiries.

GESLO 2: Explain and analyze relationships between science and other human activities.

GESLO 3: Apply knowledge of the ways people act and have acted in response to their societies to express an appreciation for how diverse societies and social subgroups operate to understand social dynamics within historical and contemporary communities.

GESLO 4: Understand ways in which people throughout the ages and in Western and non-Western cultures have responded to themselves and the world around them in artistic and cultural creation; apply this knowledge to make value judgments on cultural activities and artistic expressions and demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationship between the creative arts, the humanities and self.

GESLO 5: Engage in verbal communication by participating in discussions, debates, and oral presentations utilizing proper rhetorical perspective, reasoning and advocacy, organization, accuracy, and the discovery, critical evaluation and reporting of information.

GESLO 6: Compose effective written communications and essays with correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and appropriate language, style and format utilizing academically accepted means of researching, evaluating and documenting sources within written works.

GESLO 7: Analyze, evaluate and explain theories, concepts and skills within varied disciplines using inductive and deductive processes and quantitative reasoning and application.

GESLO 8: Demonstrate appreciation of themselves as living organisms through their choices for physical health, activities, stress management, relationships to the social and physical environment, and responsible decision-making.​

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