Total Units for the Associate in Science Degree: 60 Units
Required Core Courses: 39 Units

Course Number Course Title Total Units
AT-50  AT-50 Car Care Basics3
AT-54  AT-54 Brakes3
AT-56  AT-56 Steering and Suspension3
AT-58  AT-58 Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning3
AT-60  AT-60 Shop Management and Service Writer2
AT-66  AT-66 Manual Drive Train4
AT-68 AT-68 Automatic Transmissions3
AT-70  AT-70 General Automotive Lab2
AT-72 AT-72 Engine Repair and Machining-Short Block4
AT-74 AT-74 Engine Repair and Machining-Cylinder Heads3
AT-80  AT-80 Basic Electrical3
AT-82  AT-82 Engine Performance I3
AT-84  AT-84 Engine Performance II3

Electives: 3 Units (The student may select from any courses
numbered 1 – 99 to satisfy this requirement.)
General Education Requirements: 18 Units

Program Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Automotive Technology Associate in Science Degree the student will be able to:
1 Diagnose a specific automotive malfunction; execute the appropriate corrective steps and verify the problem has been resolved.
2 Perform general maintenance and upkeep procedures on a variety of automobiles.