Total units for the Certificate of Achievement: 30 Units
Required Core Courses: 18 Units

Program​ Cost

Course Number Course Title Total Units
FS 3  FS 3 Fundamentals of Fire Prevention3
FS 4 FS 4 Fire Protection Equipment and Systems3
FS 5 FS 5 Fire Orientation and Organization3
FS 6  FS 6 Building Construction for Fire Protection3
FS 13  FS 13 Fire Behavior and Combustion3
FS 14 FS 14 Principles of Fire Safety and Survival3
Required Elective: 12 Units: select from the following listing:
BUS-25  BUS-25 Small Business Management3
BUS-27  BUS-27 Business Communications3
EMT-21  EMT-21 Emergency Medical Responder2.5
EMT-60 EMT-60 Emergency Medical Technician (Basic)8.5
FS-8 FS 8 Wildland Fire Suppression2
FS 20  FS 20 First Aid and CPR for Public Safety Employees1.5
FS 23 FS 23 – Firing Operations (S-219)1
FS 26 FS-26 - Basic Air Operations (S-270)1
FS 49 FS 49 Fire Science Cooperative Work Experience1 - 8
FS 50 FS 50 Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC) Operations0.5
FS 51 FS 51 Introduction to Fire Technology Careers1
FS 56 FS 56 Helicopter Crewmember S-2712
FS 57 FS 57 Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue Technician0.5
FS 59 FS 59 Confined Space Awareness0.5
FS 60.1 FS 60.1 Cal Fire Module 1A Structural Firefighting6
FS 60B  FS 60B Fire Crew Firefighter (Cal Fire Seasonal)2
FS 60C  FS 60C Cal Fire Module 1C Wildland Firefighter3
FS 61 FS 61 Basic Firefighter Training (Basic 32)2
FS 64  FS 64 Instructor 1 Instructional Methodology2
FS 64B FS 64B Instructor II-Instructional Development2
FS 65A  FS 65A Driver/Operator 1A: Emergency Vehicle Operations1.5
FS 65B  FS 65B Driver/Operator 1B: Pump Operations1.5
FS 65C  FS 65C Driver/Operator 1E Wildland Fire Apparatus Operations0.5
FS 70  FS 70 Heavy Equipment Boss (S-236)1
FS 70A  FS 70A – Single Resource Academy (S-230, S-231, S-232)1.5
FS 70B FS 70B - Engine Boss (Single Resource)1
FS 70C  FS 70C – Single Resource Crew Boss (S-230)1
FS 72 FS 72 HazMat First Responder Operations1
FS 72A  FS 72A HazMat First Responder- Refresher0.5
FS 72B FS 72B HazMat First Responder- Decontamination0.5
FS 72C FS 72C HazMat First Responder Awareness0.5
FS 72IC FS 72IC HazMat Incident Commander1
FS 73A  FS 73A Incident Business Management (S-260)1
FS 74 FS 74 Fire in the Interface (S-215)1
FS 75  FS 75 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (S-290)2
FS-76  FS 76 Firefighter Type 1 (Squad Boss) S-1310.5
FS 78  FS 78 Followership to Leadership L-2801
FS 80  FS 80 Firefighter Survival1
FS 81  FS 81 Wildland Firefighter Safety& Survival0.5
FS-85  FS 85 Understanding Maps, Compass & GPS0.5
FS-87  FS 87 – Expanded Dispatch Recorder: D-1101
FS-89 FS 89- Wildland Fire Chainsaws (S-212)1
FS-90  FS 90 Portable Pumps and Water Use (S-211)1
FS 97 FS 97 Fire Control 4: Controlling Ignitable Liquids and Gases0.5
FS 92A  FS 92A Company Officer 2A-Human Resource Management for Company Officers (NFPA Fire Officer Level 1 and II)2
FS 92B  FS 92B Company Officer 2B -General Administrative Functions for Company Officers (NFPA Fire Officer Level 1 and II)1
FS 92C  FS 92C Company Officer 2C: Fire Inspections and Investigation for Company Officers (NFPA Fire Officer Level 1 and II)2
FS 92D  FS 92D Company Officer 2D: All-Risk Command Operations (NFPA Fire Officer Levels I and II)2
FS 92E  FS 92E Company Officer 2E-Wildland Incident Operations for Company Officers (NFPA Fire Officer Level 1 and II)2
FS 94 FS 94 - Strike Team/Task Force Leader, All Hazards (AH-330)1.5
FS 95  FS 95 – Initial Attack Incident Command (IC type 4 S-200)0.5
FS 96  FS 96 Low Angle Rope Rescue (LARRO)0.5
FS 96A FS 96A Rope Rescue Awareness/Operations1
FS 97A FS 97A: Fire Control 4A, Ignitable Liquids and Gases Awareness/Operations0.5
FS 98.18  FS 98.18 Annual Fireline Safety Refresher Training (RT-130)0.5
FS 98.20  FS 98.20 Incident Safety Awareness for Hired Vendors0.5
FS 98.21  FS 98.21 Volunteer Firefighter Academy2.5

Program Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Associate in Science Degree or the Certificate of Achievement in Fire Technology, the student will be able to:
Safely perform basic firefighting skills as part of the Incident Command System in preparation for an entry-level position at most firefighting agencies.