Chico State Campus Tour

Speed Interviewing Workshop in Welcome Center

Sign up with Cheyenne Rea in Counseling. Learn to answer common interview questions like a pro, speed-dating style. Pizza will be provided for those who participate.

BLM/USAJOBS Application Workshop in Career & Transfer Center

BLM/USAJOBS Application Workshop in Career & Transfer Center 2:30-4PM  with Cheyenne Rea & Emily Avlen. Prepare for the upcoming BLM Hiring event on campus in March and get your applications submitted correctly in advance. Sign up with Cheyenne Rea in Counseling or email her at

CSU Chico Admissions Rep Visit

Walk-Ins in Cafe from 9-11AM.  Apts will be in the C&T Center 1-2:30PM with Gabriela Martinez and can be made with this link: