Chico State Campus Tour

Speed Interviewing Workshop in Welcome Center

Sign up with Cheyenne Rea in Counseling. Learn to answer common interview questions like a pro, speed-dating style. Pizza will be provided for those who participate.

CSU Chico Admissions Rep Visit

Walk-Ins in Cafe from 9-11AM.  Apts will be in the C&T Center 1-2:30PM with Gabriela Martinez and can be made with this link:

UNR Campus Tour

Spring UNR Bound tour and admissions event.

CSU Chico Admissions Rep Visit

Walk-Ins in Cafe from 9-11AM. Apts will be in the C&T Center 1-2:30PM with Gabriela Martinez and can be made with this link:

UNR Admissions Rep Visit

in Cafe from 10AM-12PM for walk-ins. Set appointments with Lindsey Forest at

Chico State Campus Tour

This will be an all-day event! Sign up with the following link:

CSU Chico Admissions Rep Visit

Walk-Ins in Cafe from 9-11AM.  Apts will be in the C&T Center 1-2:30PM with Gabriela Martinez and can be made with this link: