Disability Services & Programs for Students

Welcome to the Disability Services & Programs for Students. Our mission is to include students with disabilities into classes and programs on campus and in the community, to eliminate barriers, and to maximize independence and advocacy skills while promoting opportunities that support the student’s lifelong living skills, educational and vocational goals.

DSPS is a mandated, state funded program that assists students  who have any qualifying type of disability. Services are available for students who have verifiable physical, visual, hearing, brain injury, mental health, ADD/ADHD, autism, intellectual, learning, and other disabilities. These services assist students in obtaining their educational, vocational and employment goals.

Lassen College is committed to providing educational accommodations/adjustments, auxiliary aids and services, educational assistance class (EAC) instruction, counseling, assessments, and educational accommodations to students with disabilities.  We have three programs to support our students: High Tech Center, Learning Disabilities Lab, and Adaptive Physical Education.

What We Offer

Disability Services & Programs for Students staff members help students obtain the academic adjustments\accommodations necessary to allow equal access to Lassen Community College’s programs and services.  We establish policies and procedures that adhere to the LCC and DSPS missions and that provide students access to reasonable accommodations.

Academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services are individualized and will be determined on a case-by case basis and must be requested by the student each and every semester.

  • Students request academic adjustments based on functional limitations of verified disability.
  • Adjustments are discussed with the student and approved by a DSPS  Certificated staff member.
  • The student is responsible for meeting with instructors and alerting instructors of the approved adjustments.
  • If the instructor still has concerns, the student will alert a DSPS Certificated staff member.

Here are a few of the services we offer:

High Tech Center

The High Tech Center located in the Humanities Building offers adapted computer hardware and software technologies to provide access to students with  disabilities.  Please contact our DSPS Coordinator, Shannon Hogan at 530-251-8867 or shogan@lassencollege.edu if you have any questions about eligibility requirements.

DSPS offers classes and services for students with learning disabilities. Students must meet the eligibility criteria for qualification as learning disabled, according to the California Community College and Title 5 eligibility guidelines.  Students who suspect they have a learning disability, but who have not been assessed, can meet with the Learning Disabilities Specialist to discuss their situation.  Individualized assessment to determine eligibility for learning disability services is available at LCC. Please contact our DSPS Coordinator, Shannon Hogan at 530-251-8867 or shogan@lassencollege.edu.

There is specialized counseling for DSPS  students. Students should see the DSPS counselor to help with the application process, academic advising, requests for adjustments and assistance with priority registration. Please contact our DSPS Counselor, Shannon Hogan at 530-251-8867 or shogan@lassencollege.edu.

A DSPS certified staff member may authorize note taking services depending on student disability/need. The DSPS  program relies as much as possible on enrolled students to provide note-taking services for qualified students.  Students may ask their instructors to help them find a volunteer note-taker in their class. If no note-taker or note copies can be found, DSPS will send a paid note-taker to class. Notes may be copied on the copier in the LD lab.

The Adapted Physical Education Program provides exercise classes for students with physical limitations. Within a group setting, the program will adapt and modify the fitness needs of each individual student, whether the disability is a temporary or permanent condition.

Educational access sometimes means that qualified DSPS students need equipment such as recorders, listening devices or visual enhancers to benefit from instruction. DSPS  makes these accommodations available for loan during the semester.

The first step for any new DSPS student is to schedule an appointment with a DSPS Certificated staff member. During this appointment, you might meet with the DSPS Coordinator/DSPS Counselor (Shannon Hogan) to discuss your individual assessment needs, complete a DSPS Application and other forms, review all the relevant support services, explain DSPS policies and procedures and any other information needed to better assist you in achieving your educational goals. These intake appointments are open to new Lassen College students, continuing students and/or returning students.

Please contact Shannon Hogan by phone at (530) 251-8867 or by email shogan@lassencollege.edu to make your appointment.

What to Bring to Your First Appointment:
  • Your most current written verification of disability, medical report, Department of Rehabilitation Plan or IEP  from your high school. We recommend that you make copies of all documents you submit to DSPS  in case you need them for future use.
  • Your Student ID number
  • List of Questions


Appointments are short, so please be on time.  If you must cancel, please call as soon as possible.  If you do not cancel, be aware that it may take a while before you can reschedule.

The provision of accommodations/academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services are individualized and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

  • Student requests accommodations/academic adjustment based on functional limitations of verified disability.
  • Adjustments are discussed with the student and approved by DSPS.
  • The student is responsible for meeting with instructors and alerting instructors of the approved adjustments.
  • If the instructor still has concerns, the student will alert DSPS.

Students receiving services through DSPS  must be enrolled at LCC and must have a temporary or permanent disability that has been verified by a DSPS  Certificated staff member. The student’s disability must limit one or more major life activities, and impose an “educational limitation.” An educational limitation is a disability-related functional limitation in the educational setting that occurs when the limitation prevents a student from fully benefiting from classes, activities, or services offered by the college without specific, additional academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and services or instruction. Examples of disabilities include physical, hearing, visual, acquired brain injury, health, mental health, intellectual, ADHD/ADD, autism and learning disability.

  • Students must possess the ability to respond appropriately to questions, follow directions, and demonstrate the potential to benefit from special programs and services.
  • Students must demonstrate appropriate adaptive and/or self-help behavior; this includes providing their own personal attendant care. DSPS  staff will not provide this service.
  • Students must demonstrate annual measurable academic progress. Failure to do so may result in termination of services.
  • Students requesting services and/or academic accommodations offered at LCC need to arrange an appointment with a DSPS  Certificated staff member and complete an application for services. DSPS will then verify the disability by using one of the following means:
    • Review of documentation provided by appropriate agencies or certified or licensed professionals outside of DSPS;
    • Assessment by appropriate DSPS Certificated staff member; or
    • Observation by a DSPS Certificated staff member when the disability can be clearly seen.

Once a student’s disability has been verified, a DSPS  Certificated staff member will identify the educational limitations, and complete the following with the student:

    • Fill out the Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP) and review and update it as  needed but at least annually.
    • Have the student sign the “Test Rules” form.
    • Have the student sign the “Student Rights and Responsibilities” form. 
    • A DSPS Certificated staff member will email the student’s instructor(s) if accomodations are needed for each class.
  • Services may be denied if it is determined that a student does not meet one or more of the eligibility criteria.
  • Students seeking to appeal the denial of services should seek remedy through the Coordinator of DSPS.
    If, after consulting with the DSPS  Coordinator, students are still not satisfied, they may appeal to the ADA Coordinator.

Contact Information

DSPS – Disability Services & Programs for Students
​Phone: 530.257.6181 ext. 8914
Fax: 530.251.8863
Office Location: Humanities Building

Disability Resources

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